Employment Resources

Library Resources

Library Print & Electronic Books The Library has access to a number of books in print and electronic format available for use.

Using the Library Catalogue: Look through the library catalogue to see what books are available to you. You can order books from our library, or from another library in our library system. Link to catalogue. Learn to use.

Search Tip - When searching for items in the library catalogue, try using words like "employment", "career", or "resume", and then narrow your results by publication date, type of material, or subject.

Print Books available in Vermilion:

  • Next job, best job by Rob Barnett. Link to item.
  • How to figure out what to do with your life by Jennifer Turliuk. Link to item.
  • Ultimate job search : master the art of finding your ideal job, getting an interview and networking by Lynn Williams. Link to item.
  • The career stories method : 11 steps to find your ideal career - and discover your awesome self in the process by Kerri Twigg. Link to item.
  • Recalculating : navigate your career through the changing world of work by Lindsey Pollak. Link to item.
  • Modernize your resume : get noticed - get hired by Wendy Enelow. Link to item.
  • Resumes for dummies by Laura DeCarlo. Link to item.
  • #Qualified : you are more impressive than you realize by Amanda Nachman. Link to item.
  • The job closer : time saving techniques by Steve Dalton. Link to item.
  • What color is your parachute 2021 by Richard N. Bolles. Link to item.

Electronic Book Resources - Accessible Online 24/7

  • Overdrive/Libby: Includes current and popular ebooks, audiobooks, and magazines. Learn to use.
    • Try using the following search terms to find related material: "resume" or "career". You can narrow your results by selecting the nonfiction subject.
  • Cloud Library: Includes a variety of ebooks and audiobooks. Learn to use.
    • Try using the following search terms to find related material: "resume" or "employment".
  • Hoopla: Includes a variety of ebooks, audiobooks, movies, and music. Learn to use.
    • Try using the following search terms to find related material: "resume" or "career". You can narrow your results by ebook or audiobook format, and by release date.

Library Electronic Databases - Use your library barcode and pin to access the following databases:

  • Cypress Resumé: An online resume builder that helps you create professional resumés and cover letters. Learn to use. 
  • LinkedIn Learning: Online learning tool with tutorial courses taught by experts. Some of the many courses focus on career development, professional development, and web design. Other course topics include various business, creative, and technology tools to help advance your career. Learn to use.

Local Resources

Vermilion & District Chamber of Commerce - Job opportunities available in the Vermilion area. https://vermilionalbertachamber.com/vermilion-jobs/

Vermilion Jobs FB Page - Facebook page for people who are currently looking for employees and for employers to post their current job posting in Vermilion, Alberta. https://www.facebook.com/groups

Lakeland College - Current jobs at Lakeland College. https://www.lakelandcollege.ca/job-postings/

Provincial/Federal Resources

Employment Services, Ministry of Community and Social Services, Government of Alberta - This site contains information about Alberta Supports and Alberta Works Centres located in Alberta, online resources, telephone career services, information to help Albertans facing layoffs, employment services near you and financial support for training. https://www.alberta.ca/employment-services.aspx

Government of Alberta, ALIS - Provides guides and resources to help Albertans with career planning, job searches, and more. https://alis.alberta.ca/

3A Academy & Consulting Ltd & Consulting Ltd - Services for job seekers may include targeted professional resumes, personalized job search strategies, and more. https://www.facebook.com/3Aacademyandconsulting/

Job Search Websites

When using these sites, narrow your location to Vermilion, AB to find jobs in the area.

Indeed: www.indeed.com

Monster Jobs: www.monster.ca

ALIS Job Bank: https://alis.alberta.ca/occinfo/alberta-job-postings